[Infographic] Top 13 Effective Mobile App Development Frameworks In 2021

Denis Nguyen
6 min readApr 29, 2021
Photo by Freepik.

With the help of new tools, developing a mobile app is not a difficult task nowadays. However, it’s not easy to create a successful app. The evidence is that nearly 40% of all downloaded apps are uninstalled within the first 2 or 3 weeks of use. This is the reason that most technical leaders emphasize learning about the software ecosystem, following the latest market trends and frameworks. And it can help developers predict issues that are brought to the platform with the latest release versions.

So, let’s have a run-in with me discussing the latest frameworks to develop a mobile app in 2021. (Details are below)

1. Flutter

Flutter is a mobile UI framework that was launched by Google for creating high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in a short period. It is an open-source mobile app development SDK (Software Development Kit) that can be used to build beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single code-base. This apprentice in multi-platform mobile application development provides reactive-style views by avoiding complications caused by JavaScript with Dart language. It is popular cross-platform app development. This year, the platform has continued to take the third position as the top open-source projects by contributors in GitHub.

Read more: “10 Useful Tips On Marketing Mobile App And Get More Users”

2. React Native

React Native is an open-source framework — a programming language created by Facebook that allows developers to build high-performance mobile apps and design multi-platform with the help of JavaScript in shorter development cycles and faster deployment times. With React Native, developers can use a single code for both iOS and Android platforms. From Startups to Fortune 500 organizations, React Native is one of the popular frameworks in 2019–20, which is used to build both Android and iOS apps. Moreover, it provides incredibly smooth animations as the code is converted into native views before rendering.

3. Xamarin

Xamarin is an open-source platform created by tech giant Microsoft for building modern and performant applications for iOS, Android, and Windows with the C# code-base. Since being established in 2011, Xamarin has been developing and become an essential framework among worldwide mobile app developers.

Xamarin offers a cross-platform framework, which means, developers can use one single code-base to build mobile apps on iOS, Android, and Windows phone systems. The strategy is, the code-base can be shared between different platforms when developers build an app for different Operating Systems. And, each mobile app runs as a native app on each mobile system. With this strategy, Xamarin reduces time-taking on writing code for the different operating system; consequently, reduces costs for customers. Xamarin is an economical solution for customers, who target vast users of different Operating Systems, iOS, Android, or Windows phone.

Read more: “What’s Behind The Mobile App Development By Xamarin That Is Changing Our Life?”

4. Kotlin

Kotlin is a free, open-source and “pragmatic” programming language initially designed for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and Android that combines object-oriented and functional programming features. It is an excellent fit for developing server-side applications, allowing mobile app developers to write concise and expressive code while maintaining full compatibility with the existing Java-based technology stack. It is focused on interoperability, safety, clarity, and tooling support.

5. Ionic

Ionic is one of the widely used frameworks to develop mobile applications. The more exciting thing to note is that it’s free. It is usually a client-side framework that helps in building native-based apps with a combination of HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. The platform simulates the native app UI principles and uses the native SDKs, bringing the UI standards and device features of the native apps together. The Ionic framework also supports the latest mobile devices and prepares a solid ground for mobile apps before its final launch in the market.

Elements of HTML5 also help in building hybrid apps. There is no doubt that it is considered one of the best assets for Progressive Web App development.

6. Appcelerator Titanium

If you are looking for a one-stop mobile application framework, this is the right choice. Appcelerator Titanium is a cross-platform mobile application development framework. Titanium SDK basically helps developers build a cross-platform mobile application using JavaScript and Titanium API. It has independent APIs that make mobile device hardware access relatively smooth and reliable. In this platform, one can easily develop hybrid, native mobile applications from a single code-base.

7. JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile is an HTML5-based user interface system that is designed to create websites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices. It can also be used for all kinds of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS, Blackberry, Firefox, and Kindle. One of the facts that make it unique is that it can run across all devices with just a single code version. It makes the website simpler, more interactive and user friendly. It is completely readable by all search engines and is optimized for SEO.

8. NativeScript

NativeScript is an open-source application development framework on iOS and Android platforms. It has been ranked as the top frameworks for developing hybrid apps. Applications using the Native Script use the same APIs as using Xcode or Android Studio.

9. Adobe PhoneGap

Adobe PhoneGap is an open-source distribution developed by Adobe. This cross-platform mobile application allows developers to build mobile applications using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It deploys to a wide range of mobile devices without losing the features of a native app. This is one of the technologies using a single code-base to create multiple versions of an app. This magnificent framework is not only providing the best-in-class performance but also the freedom for developers so they can work without any hardware limitations.

10. RhoMobile

RhoMobile is a robust, open-source framework that contains the feature of the Rhodes framework. It has a set of development tools to build mobile apps focusing on data-centric, multi-platform and native data. Developers can deploy RhoMobile by writing the code once and using it on the most used operating systems.

11. Corona SDK

Corona SDK is a mobile application development platform where one can easily create apps and games for mobile devices and desktop systems. This platform allows developers to create a project once and publish it for a variety of devices, including Apple’s iPhone, Android phones, Amazon Fire, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop and others. Using its features, the Corona SDK includes interactivity and interesting graphic content into the apps. Besides, Corona SDK application development automatically scales content across multiple devices.

12. Intel XDK

This is another cross-platform mobile app development framework for creating meaningful apps with the presence of plugins. With a single code-base, Intel XDK allows developers to build r responsive and interactive apps for iOS, Windows, Android, Amazon, and Nook. The main reason for developers to use Intel XDK is the drag-and-drop user interface, so the interface is built with ease. It comes with debugging and application debugging options, so testing apps on different device configurations is made easy.

13. Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is a mobile UI framework that provides essential mobile components that are missing in Bootstrap 3 such as switches, overlays, sidebars, scrollable areas, etc. The framework relies on libraries like fastclick.js and overthrow.js to achieve a better mobile experience. It simplifies the process of development and allows us to build apps using HTML5.

Do you have an idea for building an app or need some digital consultation? Let's discuss!

Source: Github; Hackernoon; Analyticsindiamag



Denis Nguyen

Ever since an early stage in my life, I have always worked hard to overcome challenges. This in turn influenced my passion for business.